Chalk Face CPD

Help arrives for staff on the frontline

Dear Head Teacher,

At Chalk Face, our experienced team of course leaders, inset providers and key-note speakers are ready to help. We offer staff training and leadership consultancy designed to help you and your colleagues realise your vision for your students and staff.
Specifically, we will help you to ...
1.  improve pupil engagement, learning and progress in lessons
2.  raise expectations with regard to pupil conduct and behaviour
3.  reduce levels of staff stress and boost motivation levels
4.  provide times of reflection, refreshment and re-engagement for senior leaders
5.  save money and target learning resources more effectively
6.  audit your financial controls and put in place systems to deter and detect fraud
7.  prepare for an Ofsted (or other) school inspection

High-quality Continuing Professional Development courses, staff meeting seminars, school inset days, conferences and retreats led by members of the Chalk Face team have already benefited hundreds of class teachers, teaching assistants, school business managers and head teachers across the UK.

Please take a look at this year's courses to find the ones that best suit you and your school colleagues and remember, we're here to help.

Chalk Face offers a range of CPD training courses to choose from:

Going for Ofsted Gold:
moving classroom practise from good to outstanding outstanding

Getting Boys to Write:
strategies for closing the gap & raising attainment

Keep Calm & Carry On Teaching:
17 strategies for promoting positive behaviour

Inspirational School Leadership 101:
the important stuff they didn’t teach on NPQH or CSBM!

Pupil Leadership in Assembliesand Acts of Collective Worship

Rethinking the Way Children Learn:an audience with Vygotsky

Achieving More With Less:
VFM, procurement and the Schools Financial Standard

Awesome Staff Wellbeing:promoting work-life balance

Your CPD priorities are our CPD priorities:
1) Children first. We believe that if we inspire and help teachers, head teachers and other school staff, they can then inspire and help the children and young adults they work with. 

2) Enjoyment and excellence.
Learning should be fun. We plan and lead the kind of conferences and training courses that we would like to attend ourselves. 

3) Quality and value.
We deliver truly outstanding courses at prices your school can afford.
Please visit our website for more details or to book a course.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Andersen
Director, Chalk Face (School CPD) Ltd
Woodberry Grove, North Finchley, London N12 0DR
Twitter: @chalkfacecpd
Telephone: 07504 788097

p.s. – Book and pay for courses before 31 March 2013
          and receive 25% discount on the usual course booking fee