Nutritious & Delicious
Healthy eating workshops and seminars for children and parents
020 8998 8645


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Whether it's healthy living week, science week or a stand alone workshop, you should consider Nutritious & Delicious to deliver the workshop for you. We have almost a decade's experience of delivering fun and interactive workshops for children and also for parents on the subject of healthy eating.

Our clients are primary and secondary schools, Local Authorities, NHS Trusts and we are now advising restaurants and gyms on delivery of the healthy eating message to children.  Whether yours is a primary or secondary school, we can tailor a workshop to suit you but below is a description of how one of our popular primary school workshops is structured.



We would aim to visit each class in the school over one or two days for between 30 mins and 1 hour per class depending on the age of the children. There would be an element of age appropriate discussion in each class followed by a practical workshop.


  • The principles of balance. What are the food groups, how much we should be eating of each? "There is no such thing as a bad food, just a bad diet". (Working on this in earnest from year 2 onwards).
  • What good food can do for us. Gives us energy, makes us strong, fast, clever etc. Let's see what the footballers for example eat and why. Explore how they might perform on a poor diet or having missed breakfast.
  • The importance of Breakfast.
  • The "Five a day" rule.
  • Advertising and Marketing awareness. (Especially years 3 and 4). How advertising and marketing is aimed at children and why. What to look out for and how to avoid falling into the advertisers' trap.
  • Peer pressure and its effect on our food choices. How we combat it or use it to our advantage. (Especially years 1/2/3)
  • The importance of trying new foods. The notion that our tastes mature and foods we once thought we didn't like, we now may like. (Shows we're growing up). "Lets try a new vegetable each this week"
  • The importance of exercise - "Get into the habit". " Get out of the habit"  e.g. let's get into the habit of walking to school if we can. Let's get out of the habit of switching the TV on as soon as we get in.
  • Importance of reading food labels and how to read them (Especially years 5/6)
  • Importance of drinking more water and why.


Aim – get the children enthusiastic and inspired about fruits and vegetables

Method – Allowing the children to handle common and exotic fruits and vegetables and explore them using all five senses. Singing songs and story telling.

Year 1/Year 2
Aim – To increase the children's understanding of what is healthy/ good food particularly focusing on fruits and vegetables and their qualities. 

To understand that there are certain foods which should only be eaten sparingly.

To encourage children to try new and unfamiliar fruits and vegetables.

Method – Preparing a cold dish in the class with the assistance of as many pupil volunteers as possible.

Inviting any children who wish to (but not insisting that any child has to) taste new vegetables and also vegetables which they had previously believed they did not like the look or the taste of.

Year 3/4
Aim – To revise the food groups and to show children that good food can be fun to make and also to eat.
Method – Preparing two cold dishes in the class with ingredients chosen by pupils.

Inviting any children who wish to (but not insisting that any child has to) taste new vegetables and also vegetables which they had previously believed they did not like the look or the taste of.

Year 5/6
Aim – To ensure a solid understanding and application of the food groups and a balanced diet.

To equip the children with the skills to prepare a balanced lunch by themselves.

To encourage children to try new fruits and vegetables.

Method – Each class will work in teams and will be given free rein to prepare a balanced packed lunch using the ingredients which we provide. We will try each team's lunch and give Marks out of 10 to find the most Nutritious & Delicious one.

We charge £500 per day for our workshops including all food and equipment but there may be an opportunity to receive funding for the workshops if you do not have extended schools or other funds available. We would be happy to send you the application forms should you wish.

Perhaps we could talk after you have considered the information.

Kind regards,

Sarah Roach
Nutritious & Delicious
020 8998 8645

Nutritious & Delicious