Heads of Science and science staff are invited to view the new virtual museum The World Around Us

A teacher and student resource, it can be found at www.worldaroundus.org.uk. Its objective is to stimulate students’ curiosity and encourage them to consider alternative explanations based on recently published evidence from scientific and historical journals. The site also considers the strengths and weaknesses of the scientific method, including the influence that different world-views can have in interpreting scientific evidence. Dealing with topics that often make the news headlines, the site is provocatively subtitled “towards a post-Darwinian view” but it does not draw conclusions.
The virtual museum contains over 150 “exhibits”.  Drawing on mainstream science it encourages the discussion of evolutionary theory and related topics in the light of evidence from recent discoveries.  The museum presents evidence rather than offers answers or solutions but suggests the evidence points to a paradigm crisis in neo-Darwinism.

The site is user-friendly and has been designed by well-known web-designers. It has been prepared by a group of scientists, historians and educationists who practise or have practised in the mainstream of their subjects.  These include archaeology, biology, chemistry, geology and physics. All have personal research experience, a number holding research degrees in one or other of these subjects from British universities.  Some have taught at university as well as secondary level.

Among the topics included are the big bang theory, the origin of life, a universal common ancestor, biological evolution and deep time. The authors approach these from a Christian perspective and look beyond the purely materialistic philosophies currently influencing science and the historical sciences.  They are not alone in questioning Darwinian philosophies and those with other world-views are included among the resources listed on the site.

For further information write to contact@worldaroundus.org.uk

The World Around Us  c/o The Genesis Agendum, PO Box 5918, Leicester,  LE2 3XE.