Dear Headteacher

Drugs amongst secondary school pupils, especially weed, is becoming more of a problem amongst year 10/11 pupils. Often hearing on the news knife and drug related crime amongst the teens.

I visit primary, secondary and colleges nationally providing in-depth workshops on alcohol, drug, knife and gang related crime. Whilst early intervention is vital, unfortunately many secondary children have missed the opportunity of alcohol, drug, and knife and gang crime education during their primary years.

At secondary school age pupils become vulnerable where ego and peer pressure will become the main source of the problem.

The workshops I provide will give them insight into choice and consequence of their actions. To understand that giving into peer pressure they have a choice and with that choice will be a consequence.

I hope you can take the time to look at my website to see for yourself the work I do with our children and in the community.

My Twitter (PaulHannaford) feed has comments from children praising and giving them hope for a better future as my workshop has helped them to understand what is destroying our future.

Best regards

Paul Hannaford